US prison HELL: J6 lawyer Stanley Woodward refuses to heed J6 hostage Ryan Samsel's call for emergency surgery to remove deadly blood clots | The Gateway expert

J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel needs to go to the emergency room immediately.

Instead, he is perpetually locked in a cell in the New York prison system, where inmates, including Jefferey Epstein, have been known to mysteriously commit suicide or beg for medical care for days before dying.

After more than a month in solitary confinement on the roof of the Metropolitan Detention Center Brooklyn, a prison notorious for its horrific conditions, Ryan called The Gateway expert under duress Friday.

'I can't walk. I'm in so much pain. It's so shit here. My leg is swollen where I had the blood clot – it's really stiff where my ankle is,” Samsel explained on the recorded line at the federal prison. “You feel there is something in it. When I walk it hurts. I filed a medical complaint and Sam told me he would have me see a doctor.”

For protesting on January 6, 2021, Ryan Samsel is locked in a filthy cell, where he experiences the stench of sewage leaking through the ceiling, the sound of non-stop screaming and fighting among the other prisoners driven crazy by the ongoing lockdown tolerates. , housed in a block with child predators and trannies, who would rather starve than eat the rotten food presented to him – which we now know is infested with maggots – and the uncertainty of whether he will survive confinement without surgery.

The prison in Brooklyn is so dangerous that federal judges in New York ordered a… legal battles with the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Prisons about the cruel and unusual treatment of infamous people correctional facility. Employees at the Sunset Park federal prison have come under fire for denying inmates court-ordered medical treatment.

For weeks, the jail canceled Samsel's legal calls. But reportedly his attorney Stanley Woodward and mitigation expert Sam Mangel, whom Samsel had just paid a whopping $45,000 to retain, were told that they He canceled their calls.

Samsel's family tried to reach his attorney Stanley Woodward several times, but to no avail when Samsel went missing in the hole where no communication was possible.

Finally, Woodward responded with a text message claiming, “He has declined three phone calls with me this week.”

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Now, in a life or death medical emergency Woodward is still missing, out of money and out to lunch.

In Woodward's absence, this reporter found another attorney who was willing to immediately assist Samsel. Attorney Jon Gross agreed Thursday to file an emergency complaint that would convince a judge to allow him to go to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Woodward asked Samsel's family to let him know that he simply had to “submit a medical form” to see a doctor.

“You know I have legal calls scheduled with him,” the attorney for several high-profile defendants wrote in a text message to Samsel's family after ignoring some of their calls. “The best he can do is submit a medical call form. Please ask him to do so.”

“If he hasn't written one today, they won't give him medical treatment today.”

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If only it were that easy in prison.


If the clots are not treated, over time they become muscle tumors or fibroids. Samsel now lives with lumps the size of a golf ball on his body as he continues to develop blood clots. Samsel had already asked the guards for help on Monday and submitted a medical certificate when he realized that bizarre lumps appeared on his neck. But prison guards have yet to escort him to the medical center.

“We trusted him in the beginning. Now he literally changed his tune. He does not advocate for the medical treatment of his own client,” said the concerned family member TGP in an exclusive interview. “This has been going on for years, going to hearings and telling the judge – nothing was resolved. Stanley simply does nothing to ensure he receives medical treatment. It's like he just leaves him in the dust and lets him rot there in prison. Ryan's life is in his hands right now. These lawyers wouldn't be called if they just fought. Stanley is not doing his job or advocating for his client's serious medical condition.”

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Samsel's family member fired back at Woodward's inept response, warning, “He needs to go to the emergency room and has a blood clot and what are you going to do about it now?!”

Woodward has not yet responded.

The last time Samsel was in court, when he was found guilty by Judge Jia Cobb during a hearing on February 2, attorneys representing his co-defendants argued on behalf of their client's release, asking Judge Cobb to order the other J6 defendants to remain free ahead of sentencing in June.

Judge Cobb granted their request, allowing other defendants Paul Johnson, Steven Randolph and Jason Blythe to return home after court. Woodard didn't say a word for the duration of the procedure.

Samsel asked the judge if he could come to court and then begged her during the 15 minutes she allowed him to speak to “please” allow him to have the vascular surgery in order to live safely through the confinement without blood clots or dependence on blood thinners .

Woodward interrupted Samsel, but said only a few words. “He can wait until he goes to jail,” he told the judge.

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Criminal defense attorney Stanley Woodward.

After Woodward refused to answer a dozen Samsel and TGPs In December, this reporter found another attorney, Brad Geyer, willing to file a lawsuit in Samsel's medical battle with the Bureau of Prisons.

But Woodward refused to provide Samsel's medical records to Geyer's team.

Samsel requested that Woodward be removed from his case but was told by Judge Cobb that she would not grant his request prior to his sentencing, which was scheduled for June 13 but was postponed until September 3, Samsel's birthday.

It remains unclear why Woodward refuses to advocate for the J6 political prisoner's medical treatment, even during this emergency.

Mysteriously, Samsel was transferred to the DC Gulag at the Sunset Park Brooklyn jail in February to await sentencing in DC court.

J6 defendants regularly complain of inadequate defense, with a limited group of attorneys willing to handle their case. In February, Samsel requested representation from Amy Collins to file a complaint for medical treatment. After speaking with prosecutors, Collins is said to have offered Samsel house arrest in exchange for his testimony against President Donald Trump during the J6 trial of Trump.

One defense attorney who asked to keep his name withheld suggested filing a FOIA request to find out whether prosecutors get bonuses for securing convictions against J6 defendants. Samsel's family fears Woodward also has a backdoor deal with prosecutors.

Former criminal defense attorney Jonathon Moseley is assisting the nonprofit Condemned USA in drafting cases for several J6 defendants, including the former president.

Condemned USA is also helping J6 political hostage, Marine Corp veteran Dominic Pezzola, file a complaint that will allow him to receive treatment for cancer while he serves a 10-year prison sentence at FCI Butner in North Carolina for protesting at the US Capitol on January 6. .

Samsel and Pezolla were both being held in a Virginia prison when the FBI offered them plea deals that involved lying about Proud Boys leader Joseph Biggs having a gun during the Capitol riot. Samsel offered to testify about the agreement at the Proud Boys trial, while Pezzola admitted on the stand during the trial that the government told him they would let him go home if he advanced the fictional seditious conspiracy story, but he refused.

Moseley wonders whether Woodward's unethical refusal to take Samsel to a doctor is strategic.

Former criminal defense attorney Jonathon Moseley.

“Maybe he thinks if he can befriend the prosecutor he'll get a better deal,” Moseley said. TGP in an exclusive interview. “It's not enough to say, 'Fill out a medical form' when Ryan's movement is restricted. He can't just walk into an office and fill out a medical form like he did in high school. He is closed.

'There are forms he has to apply for, that they will ignore, and I assume he has already done that to the best of his ability. But this isn't just a high school campus. It's a prison. S,o someone on the outside should do that,” he continued. “I can only imagine that Stanley doesn't want to shake things up before he's sentenced. I have no idea.”

Moseley, a criminal defense attorney for 22 years, was groomed months ago to help de Geyer draft a habeas corpus lawsuit documenting the medical hardship and how the attacks Samsel suffered while in captivity worsened his blood-clotting condition.

“We were going to help ensure that something was recovered in December. Stan got involved and still hasn't done somethingMoseley warned. “It is almost June.”

Moseley warns that the government has repeatedly attacked and tortured Samsel to silence him.

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'The attacks on Ryan Samsel are real.” Moseley told previously told TGP. “Ryan Samsel can testify about Ray Eppsso she They have to turn it around or they have to make it disappear.”

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