• Technology
  • June 13, 2024
  • 3 minutes Read
'Check his pulse again': NASA accidentally broadcasts ISS emergency test

NASA's regularly scheduled International Space Station live stream gave viewers a brief, unintentional scare last night. On June 12 at 6:28 PM EST, an unknown speaker appeared to direct ISS…

How scientists accidentally discovered that some bees can hibernate underwater

What's the weirdest thing you learned this week? Whatever it is, we promise you'll get an even weirder answer if you listen to it PopSci's popular podcast. The weirdest thing…

Chrome developers are working on a fix for accidentally deleting passwords

It appears that a toggle in the Chrome app settings can delete or remove your saved passwords from all devices synced to your account. Members of the development team have…

  • World
  • May 1, 2024
  • 5 minutes Read
'We emailed our cat': Feline accidentally goes on a week-long trip in the Amazon Box

Galena, a 6-year-old house cat from Utah, loves to hide and play with cardboard. Earlier this month, the two combined for a stressful trip in an Amazon package, a frantic…